What is currencies trading?
Every country has its own currency. When one country's currency exchange with another one based on a main currency rate, it is a currency transaction.
How does currency transaction operate?
All currencies are traded with the trading unit "lot". Every trading unit refers to different amount of money, ie. 1 trading unit of CHF refers to Swiss Franc 125,000. You have the right to trade after the trader open a margin account.
What is margin account?
Margin account is bond account. You will need to credit a certain amount of money to your account before executing the currency trading, to ensure that you will be able to pay for the loss once it happened. This account is monitored by your broker, he does not allow you to bear the risk beyond the affordability. It is also an account for you to withdraw/ deposit the funds when profit/ loss.
How to obtain profit from currency trading?
Currency transactions are carried out in pip/digital systems. Traders try to catch the pip/points. Each of the different currency represents a different amount of money. ie. 1 lot of pound represents for $10, if you got one trading unit (lot) of pound and catch 40 pips, you’ve obtained $400.00; if you got ten trading units (lots) of pound and catch 40 pips, you then obtained $4,000.00, and so on.
What is the difference between futures trading and forex trading?
Futures are trade in Commodities Exchange Center where the currency trading is carried out, but the contract price is the price of future. Forex trading is trading on the currencies with the banks at the exchange rate of the trading day.
Am I buying the real currencies when I am doing the trading?
No. you are buying the power of a "trading unit" (1 lot) by a margin account. According to the ongoing currency transaction, each trading unit (1 lot) is in different amount of matching dollars.
What is day trading?
Day trading refers to the traders buy and sell the number of trading units or stocks on the same day. Traders enter and leave the currency trading markets at the same day so there is no open interest/ positions.
What is the ratio of the traders in forex trading?
10% of them obtain profit, 90% of them are losing money! Why? The one who lose driven by greed and fear into the currency market, the lack of a correct asset management plan, and almost do not understand the currency trading technology.
Why do professional dealers make so much money in forex trading?
Those who get profit in currency trading 10% obtain profit that 90% of them are losing money. Most professional traders are in the ranks of the 10% of profit obtaining.
Am I able to become a professional dealer?
Absolutely! Currency trading is a vocational skill to be learnt by most people. However, it is not possible to become as a professional one in a short time. You have to be trained and learn from experiences as all other professional dealers do.
Will I lose and everything in forex trading?
No, you will not. People who lack the knowledge of monetary transaction may be able to lose their margin account, and the ones with sufficient knowledge have the fair opportunity to obtain the profit from those who loss.
Why do we have less information on Forex?
According to a reliable source, the amount of forex market is about 1.5 trillion. Most of those amount from banks, financial institutions, large investment business and governments. There are more people discovered the opportunities with the help of Internet, and involve themselves in the currency trading now.
How do I begin the currency trading?
More and more companies provides various channels for trading forex. You will need to be very careful and practice hard with reference, Find out a company never make unreachable promises. Great returns are exception, certainly not the rules! A reputable company is required to have a trading qualification certificate. Beware of the system, "black box". It is in violation of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations, and provides a guarantee for the performance of the system. The only thing can be guaranteed is that the currency trading method is correct, productive, and profitable. The decisions of currency trading should not be only made by computers. Professional traders will be able to use the mind and intuition to interpret the message of the computer. To sum up a set of effective monetary transaction method, knowledge and discipline is also important.
What is a wise trading?
Wise trading is the opposite of the black box system. It fully understands the currency trading market and the changing environment of the market. It is a set of clear currency trading methods, using the possibility of a high probability.
Does currency trading is some kind of gambling?
Currency trading experts seeking for fluctuations, and investors looking for investment returns. Both bear the limited risks, Because of knowledge, risks become minimized. If one is not having sufficient knowledge of currency trading, the trading will be executed under irrational emotions or unreliable grapevine, currency trading becomes gambling.
How much can I make in currency trading?
If you join the company in terms of currency trading to provide the right knowledge and guidance, you can develop a financial performance expectations. The amount of money you make depends on the amount of money you start with, the knowledge you have, and whether you are cool enough.
Please do not enter the currency exchange market before trading in the absence of an analog transaction, i.e., using a non - real capital. If you have a good performance in the simulation, you can put your real money into the foreign exchange market.
How to control the irrational sentiment in the currency transaction?
Where there is money, there is no sense of reason. Many people knows about the currency transactions, but can hardly control the irrational emotion. Irrational emotions are the biggest obstacle to successful currency trading. You must have logical thinking to achieve success.
Are there self-study books about currency trading?
There are many knowledge on currency transactions in our website, and we encourage you to read it carefully. However, there is no ways make you rich overnight. Successful currency trading is the return from hard work, not a miracle.
What can market trading department do for me?
IB will recommend to you a reputable company and a successful professional dealer. We will teach you the entire transaction process, to provide you with continuous support, research and training. In your continuous progress, we provide you with advanced currency trading courses.